

Weekly Journal E1: I have decided to start writing weekly journals.



This week I decided to start writing a weekly journal. The reason I want to write a journal is because I was inspired by several bloggers, including pseudoyu. I have always wanted to keep a diary, but it always ended up becoming a "beautiful" and "dead" to-do list. Today is Saturday, and the reason I decided to write the journal today is because I have a business trip on Sunday. Because of work, I need to go to Suzhou. One of the reasons I have never liked business trips is because I get motion sickness. So, I rarely go out.

Nothing Happened This Week#

It snowed in Hefei last Friday, which seems to happen around this time every year. I should have taken a photo when it was snowing, but it has already melted when I planned to take a photo today. So, I'll just attach a photo taken in the north many years ago. PS: The snow in the north is really big, completely different from the south. I remember that only the heavy snow in 2008 can match the snow in the north.

There was nothing special about work this week, just the usual routine. After work, I just lie down. It's been a long time since I last studied, probably one or two months. This week, I decided to change that and started studying CS50's computer course. The plan is to finish the Python course before the end of the year. I have already watched Lecture 3. Since I have studied Python before and have a certain foundation, it's like "stir-frying". Basically, I just watch the lecture, then look at the lecture notes and complete the exercises. It's worth mentioning that foreign universities attach great importance to academic integrity. Although I have heard about this before, it's only when you take their courses that you have a deeper impression: after your program passes the tests and before you submit it, the official will remind you: Keeping in mind the course's policy on academic honesty, are you sure you want to submit these files (yes/no)? All problem sets will remind you to ensure that you confirm that you have done each question yourself.
CS50 Academic Integrity Screenshot

Next, I will summarize the content I have learned before and consolidate my "skills".

I have always enjoyed reading online articles. Online articles are like anime to me. Generally, I only follow one online novel, like watching cartoons when I was a child, waiting for updates every day. On Friday night, I saw an author post a photo of their hospital in the latest update, explaining why they changed from two updates per day to one. In the past few months, most of the comments on the chapters have been negative. I think these "critics" should feel guilty now. So, everyone should take care of their health and exercise more. This week, I started practicing boxing again. I am learning the "Yongchun Boxing Routine" with a blogger on Bilibili, hoping to improve my physical fitness. I have learned the Eight Section Brocade before, but I feel that it is not very suitable for me because after exercising for more than 20 minutes, I only burn about 170 calories. By the way, one pound of fat ≈ 3500 calories. I hope my friends who want to lose weight know what to do now : )

NetEase Cloud Music updated its annual music summary. I saw many people posting it on Moments, so I checked my own summary. The keyword of the year turned out to be "loneliness"... Thinking about it, it seems to be true. When I was a child, my teacher asked us to differentiate between "alone" and "lonely" and said, "I live alone, but I never feel lonely." Now, according to NetEase Cloud's analysis, it is "I love alone and I do feel lonely." Here are two screenshots of my NetEase Cloud summary. (PS: Big data really understands you the most).


  • "A Global History": I have been reading this book recently. It starts from the beginning of civilization - the evolution of primates, and talks about the impact of bronze and iron on the development and destruction of civilization. One notable point is that the author includes his own analysis in the description of each event, rather than just presenting the facts. It seems that most history books are like this. Current progress: 13%.

Blog Recommendation#

Movie and TV Show Recommendation#

  • "Wanna Be the Strongest in the World! Season 2": It's a bit silly, but still very interesting. The final episode of this season.
  • "Furien of the Funeral Lily": An 8/10 anime in my heart. I haven't watched it for a long time because I was curious after watching about seven or eight episodes, so I read the manga. Today, I watched the latest episode of the anime, and it is still heartwarming, with a sense of innocence from the female protagonist.


  • WeChat Youth Mode: I have always found all kinds of advertisements and recommendations on WeChat to be "brain-dead", including but not limited to: advertisements in Moments, WeChat Official Account recommendations, bottom advertisements in WeChat Official Accounts, video promotions... I have always hated these "psoriasis" things: on the one hand, I have OCD, and on the other hand, I really dislike these things. But since I turned on "Youth Mode", my world has become quieter. Interested friends can try it, I think it's pretty good.
  • RSS Subscription: Previously, my main source of information was WeChat Official Accounts, many of which were you reposting mine and I reposting yours. It's repetitive and lacks originality. For a while, I found that the things I gained that can be called "harvest" were very few. This week, I discovered that RSS subscription is still very nice: after subscribing, I can concentrate on reading, and most of the content has been thoughtfully written by the authors. It can be used on mobile phones, tablets, and computers, and it's really good.


  • "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild": I played "Breath of the Wild" for about two hours this week. For me, Zelda is like the "Natsume's Book of Friends" of the gaming world, relaxing and pleasant, just two words - "pleasant".
  • "Octopath Traveler 2": I ordered "Octopath Traveler 2" this week. After doing in-depth research on this game, I decided to "splurge" and buy it. It has been shipped from Japan and I am looking forward to it... (Excitedly rubbing hands...)
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